The complete kickstart for your Mind, Body and Energy LevelsDuring the months of February, May, September and November
We have created this 30 Day Challenge so you can join like minded individuals on a path to bettering yourself.
Whether you’re looking to shake up your current routine or
simply need a way to challenge or motivate yourself…
Join our 30 Day Challenge to kickstart your goals!
Commit to a healthier lifestyle and feel stronger, leaner and more energised. We are here to help you form new habits and will be with you every step of the way. Motivating and challenging you with our personalised approach.
- 20 group classes at Kia Kaha Studios. Any combination of Reformer Pilates or Yoga
- Participants that finish ALL 20 classes, will be in the run to win some incredible prizes.
Investment: $250 ($200 early bird which is applied at Checkout)
The right decisions are always the hardest to make, but they must be made to live the life that you deserve. Listen to what Nan had to say at the end of her 30 day challenge.

“Pilates is the complete coordination of Mind, Body and Spirit”
Joseph Pilates